Encyclopédie Marikavel-Jean-Claude-EVEN/Encyclopaedia/Enciclopedia/Enzyklopädie/egkuklopaideia
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* forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica |
dernière mise à jour : 03/03/2010 13:01:35 |
Peuple celte de la (G)Bretagne, situé au centre nord du Mur d'Hadrien, entre les Brigantes au sud, les Novantae à l'est, les Damnonii à l'ouest. |
Extrait de la carte Ordnance Survey : Map of Roman Britain |
Histoire :
- la cité a été soumise à l'empire romain de 84 à 117. - elle a fait partie, ensuite, au Bas empire, des territoires 'fédérés' situés au-delà des limites immédiates nord du Mur d'Hadrien. |
Étymologie :
* A.L.F Rivet & Colin Smith : The Place-names of Roman Britain, p 455 : - Ptolémée, II,3,6 : Selgoouai ( = SELGOVAE); variante Selgouai ( = SELGVAE); Lelgouai ( = LELGVAE); Selgoouai ( = ELGOVAE); - Ptolémée, II,3,10 : Selgoouas ( = SELGOVAS). - Ravenna, 10820 : SEGLOES R&C took Ravenna's entry as a place-name, restoring it from an assumed corrupted state to *(LOCUS) SELGO[VJE[N]S[IS] (assuming also an abbreviation of the kind illustrated by Lutudares for Lutudarensis) and defining it as tribal meeting-place. However, as we now know (p. 212), Ravenna's list of diversa loca is not to be taken so literally. As with Dumnonii2 - mention of whom follows the present entry in Ravenna — this is a tribal name read from a map by the Cosmographer as though it were a place-name; it is to be restored as Selgoves, with scribal metathesis of -lg- and with -v- omitted. DERIVATION. "The name means 'hunters', being based on British *selg- 'hunt' (Old Welsh helgha ti glossed 'venare', in helcha glossed 'in venando'; Old Irish selg 'hunting'); with *-ou- suffix, for which Gaulish parallels such as Comedovae exist. See Holder II.1461, Rhys (1904) 375, and Jackson LHEB 467. The alternative declensional forms in -ae- and -es- may both be valid; See Atrebates"IDENTIFICATION. A people of southern Scotland to whom Ptolemy attributes Carbantorigum, Uxellum, Corda and Trimontium; he places them 'below ' (i.e. east of) the Novantae, ' west' (i.e. south) of the Damnonii and north of the Brigantes, so that they presumably occupied the upper Tweed basin. ------------ Observation JC Even : |
Bibliographie : * A.L.F Rivet & Colin Smith : The Place-names of Roman Britain. B.T Batsford Ltd. London. 1979-1982 * JC Even : Histoire Nationale des Bretons, de l'Aube des Temps à la fin du Vè siècle après J.C. Lannion. 1996. (publication Internet : http://marikavel.org/histoire/histoire-titre.htm) * forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica hast buan, ma mignonig go fast, my little friend |