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* forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica |
dernière mise à jour 09/03/2009 13:33:03 |
Peuple 'breton' issu probablement de la vague 'belge'; chef-lieu : Verulamium / Saint-Albans. |
Extrait de la carte Ordnance Survey : Britain in the Dark Ages |
Étymologie :
* Rivet & Smith, p. 304-305 : SOURCES - Ptolemy II, 3, 11 : Katueuclanoi ( = CATYEUCHLANI), Katuaiclanoi (= KATYAECHLANI, MS U); etc. Mùller's Katouellanoi ( = CATUELLANI) is conjectural only - Cassius Dio LX, 20, 2 : Katouellanoi (= CATUELLANI) - Inscription : RIB 1962, a building-stone from the Wall (probably of A.D. 369) : CIVITATE CATUVELLAUNORUM TOSS[O]DIO There is no doubt about the correct form of thé name, assured by the inscription. Ptolemy's forrns show that the name was already corrupt in his source. Cassius Dio's has -ou- but ought to have -oou-(-uv-) ; for similar instances, see LHEB 34. In another inscription we have a further useful example of the tribal name : RIB 1065 (South Shields) is the tombstone of Regina.. . Catvallauna, in which it is likely that a Vulgar Latin pronunciation with loss of unstressed ù is recorded (though Jackson remarks that it may show a purely orthographie V for VV : LHEB 646 note). DERIVATION. For the first element *catu- 'battle', see CATARACTONIUM and Holder I. 847 ff. (e.g. Caturiges 'battle-kings' of Gaul). For the second, British *uellauno-, see BOLVELLAUNIUM. The sense of the name is plainly 'men good in battle, battle-experts'. IDENTIFICATION. A people of Britain centred on Verulamiun, St Albans, which may however have been elevated to the rank of municipium. Besides 'Urolanium' Ptolemy also attributes to them Salinae, but on this see p. 120. Note. The name is not to be confused with that of the Civitas Catalaunorum who appear thus in thé Notitia Galliarum VI,3, in Belgica Secunda. A variant of this text calls them the Civitas Catuellaunorum, but this can be no more than an accident or the act of some scribe acquainted with the name of the British tribe; in many other mentions (Holder has 38) thé Gaulish people is regularly the Catalauni. *****
Histoire : Les Catuvellauni sont importants, à l'époque de l'indépendance, par leurs rois et leurs princes, parmi lesquels on peut citer : Cassivellaunos, Cunoblelinos, Caratacos, Togodumnos. Ce peuple avait quasiment établi une hégémonie sur les peuples environnants, dont principalement des Trinobantes, et les peuples du Cantium / Kent. C'est contre eux qu'ont été dirigées les expéditions de Jules César, en -55 et -54, puis de Claude, en -43. Verulamium / St Albans a été anéantie lors de la grande révolte menée par Boudicca et les Iceni. (voir page spéciales sur Saint-Alban's, et Boudicca) |
Autres liens traitant des Catuvellauni : * forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica hast buan, ma mignonig go fast, my little friend |